These General Terms of Use (“General Terms”), along with any applicable Product Specific Terms (see section 1.2 (Product Specific Terms) below) (collectively, the “Terms”) govern your use of and access to our websites, web-based applications and products, customer support, discussion forums or other interactive areas or services, and services such as Creative Cloud (collectively, the “Services”) and your installation and use of any software that we include as part of the Services, including, without limitation, mobile and desktop applications, Sample Files and Content Files (defined below), scripts, instruction sets, and related documentation (collectively, the “Software”). If you have agreed to the Subscription and Cancellation Terms (, then such terms are also considered part of the Terms. If you are using and accessing the Services and Software through Adobe’s Value Incentive Plan (“VIP”) program, then the Subscription and Cancellation Terms do not apply to you, but the remainder of the Terms will govern your use of and access to the Services and Software. If you have entered into another agreement with us concerning specific Services and Software, then the terms of that agreement control where it conflicts with the Terms.